Friday, July 10, 2009


Hey there. It has been QUITE a while. Lets see, I think it was December of 2008 actually. Well, where should I start. Seventh grade is finito. On August 31, I'm going to be an eighth grader. I'm one of the big bullpups now!! Right now my Aunt Billie, Debbie, and cousin Becca are here. My mom went to Utah recently and brought them home with her. I'm glad. Life was getting a little boring. On Sunday, I'm going to go on the church history tour. My grandpa usually takes his grandkids on a special trip when they get a certain age, but he's not in a good enough physical condition to do that now that I've reached that age. My cousin Derek gpt to the age as well, so we're taking him with us. I'm very excited. I've started laying out my clothes to take on the trip, but I need to some wash and then put it all in a suitcase. I've recently become a Facebooker, and I love it!!! Who needs Myspace when you have Facebook!! Same goes to Twitter.

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